
The plural here is not accidental. Artegence is a partner supporting clients in all areas of strategic development.

Brand & Marketing Consulting?
We get it done!

No matter what stage of development your business, marketing or brand is at, at Artegence we will help you develop all three areas. We support our partners at every stage: from the very idea, through goals, support in implementation, to summarizing the effects of activities. We carry out audits and prepare analyzes based on obtained and entrusted data about the category, brand and consumer. We transform analyzes into specific brand and marketing strategy recommendations, and at the same time we provide clear guidelines and take co-responsibility for their implementation. We make rebranding, launches and relaunches as well as other processes and challenges faced by brands. We know all the trends, buzzwords, fashions and flavors. If necessary, we will create a meaningful purpose with big ideas - and your brand will become a lovebrand. We will base everything on hard data, frameworks, models, tools and processes, always selected and designed to meet the actual needs and goals of our partners.

We do it!

Research projects, planning, execution, reporting and recommendations are a standard part of our strategic work. We were data-driven before it was trendy! We can plan and help execute quantitative, qualitative or desk research.

We excel at using, analyzing, presenting and drawing conclusions from data. We are probably the only agency with hardware facilities - we have our own focus research laboratory.

Communication Strategy?
We get it done!

360 campaigns, sales funnels, integrated consumer journey - we create brands and their communication at all touchpoints.

We plan the path we take consumers through: from awareness, or often the lack of it, through purchase, to bonding, and even further - to advocacy.

For this purpose we use:
· the the funnel,
· consumer journey model,
· McKinsey model,
· DCJ (Digital Consumer Journey),
· Consumer Day Cycle,
· Consumer Life Cycle.

And any other entrusted or own model, also designed specifically for the needs of a brand, category or campaign.

In one sentence: Communication Strategy? We get it done!

We guide the consumer through all available touchpoints! Without any division into ATL, BTL, DIGITAL, SHOPPER, SOCIAL, SEO, SEM or MARKETING AUTOMATION

We identify barriers and design responses that will break them. We select the most appropriate touchpoints in every channel available today and in the future! Always to achieve your goals.

Let's make a great project together

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