Maciej Pobocha, Content Coordinator

The use of artificial intelligence in communications will be one of the most important trends in digital marketing in the coming years.

AI will enable the generation of engaging content, even better personalization of the user experience, and more efficient collection and management of customer data.

Artificial intelligence in business is a topic that has been gaining popularity in recent years. AI is being used, for example, to automate tasks, streamline business processes and optimize the user path in e-commerce. But not only that.

The use of AI in business enables automated decisions based on collected data, analytics and additional observations of customers or economic trends that can influence marketing efforts. Artificial intelligence tools use data to choose the best ways to communicate with audiences (customers) and then deliver personalized content to them – in an automated way. This is what we will focus on in the article.

A key AI-based technology used to create content is Natural Language Processing (NLP). It interprets human speech or text using software. To simplify – NLP makes human language understandable to machines. A survey by Coresight Research found that using NLP is one of the top three ways companies are now experimenting with artificial intelligence in digital marketing (along with facial and voice recognition and providing personalized experiences for audiences).

There are five typical applications of NLP:

Natural Language Generation (NLG)

converting data/files into language,

Conversion of speech to text

Conversion of text to speech

Text processing

with little or no human intervention to identify and extract relevant information and generate meaningful insights,

Bot operation

Chatbots and voicebots, as part of their communication with the user, answer specific questions.

NLG significantly reduces the time it takes to produce thousands of messages by automating the process. This is because the AI tool selects the most appropriate words and phrases for any content being conveyed to the audience.

Artificial intelligence – examples of application

Artificial intelligence already has practical applications. Here are some examples of companies that are currently using NLG.

Germany’s Commerzbank is using AI solutions to generate equity research reports.

In an interview published by the Financial Times in June 2018. director of the Research and Development at Commerzbank Michael Spitz said the technology can perform about 75 percent. analyst’s work.

JPMorgan Chase uses an artificial intelligence-based language platform to create content.

Using NLG, the company has recorded up to 450 percent. The increase in click-through rates of ads created in this way compared to 50-200 percent. For other content generation methods.

U.S. newspaper The Washington Post is using NLG’s in-house tool to create articles and social media posts.

To put it simply: it’s artificial intelligence for text writing. According to Scot Gillespie, director of the technology at The Washington Post, such technology could transform the work of all editorial offices. This is because it allows journalists to focus on reportage and other more advanced material. However, since artificial intelligence writes articles, how long will it take for it to learn how to create all kinds of texts and replace humans, including, we are afraid to mention, the author of this material?

Source: AI-Powered Language: A New Era of Enhanced Customer Engagement, Coresight Research

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