PepsiCo Poland has selected the winner of a tender for digital support of the Pepsi brand in the Polish market in 2021/2022.

The winning agency was Artegence, with which the cooperation has been continuous since 2018.


We were extremely pleased, after two years of cooperation, to bid again for Pepsi’s digital service. There is always additional pressure and the need to prove that we know the brand like no one else. We are very happy that the client liked our concept and we defended the budget for the next two years! Especially since the tender was invited only titled agencies, having to their credit excellent advertising projects, in such an honorable group winning is doubly gratifying

Jakub Cieśluk

Head of Client Service at Artegence

Over the past two years, the Artegence agency has prepared several very good campaigns for Pepsi, which have been warmly received by consumers. Among them are. Christmas campaigns in 2019 and 2020. The whole concept of last year’s digital action, called a micro film production called “The film. “Elves Alone at Home,” was rated so highly that the decision was made to continue the format this year and create an entire Christmas campaign. Artegence was responsible for the creative idea not only on digital, but also on TV, and it is a measure of the quality of the creative that the Christmas spot can also be seen in the Czech, Slovak and Hungarian markets.

Last year’s summer campaign “For those who”, consisting of short films about celebrating attitudes of Generation Z representatives, and this year’s campaign “Put on a Pepsi Table”, a series of films available on digital, in which owners of popular eateries in Warsaw, Lodz and Katowice talk about how their passion turned into an idea for their own business, were also very positively received.

Let’s make a great project together