Alior Bank

SEO activities for Alior Bank’s currency exchange office.

Alior Bank’s online Kantor Walutowy allows you to easily exchange currency at any time. Together with the client, we decided to take SEO measures to increase traffic to the site and improve search engine positioning.

our role

SEO strategy Content

How did we do it?

After analyzing the traffic sources on the Kantor Walutowy portal, we knew that in our efforts we had to focus on building non-branded traffic, i.e. from Google searches in which the user did not refer to the Alior Bank brand. By doing so, we opened up to a whole new channel of customer acquisition.


SEO technical audit

SEO Content Strategy.

SEO content creation


Analysis and reports

Results, or effective SEO pays off

The strategy of creating sub-pages for each currency has yielded great results. Alior Bank’s Cantor appears in the quick answer box panel after typing such queries as. “Hungarian currency.” This proves that the content published on currency subpages is trusted enough by Google that the search engine itself uses it when presenting abbreviated definitions to users.

On 1.06.2023, the Currency Exchange portal was visible under 818 different key phrases on the first page of Google results. Currently (as of March 2024) it appears on the first page for 5900 different queries. portal on the first page of Google results according to Ahrefs tool. portal on the first page of Google results according to Ahrefs tool.

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