PKO Bank Polski
PKO Bank Polski helps Poles extend Christmas wishes to loved ones
The Bank of Good Wishes was part of PKO Bank Polski’s Christmas cash loan campaign – “Mini Ratka na spełnienie życzeń”. Thanks to it, everyone had the chance to wish their loved ones a Merry Christmas through Polish Television.
What was the background of the project?
It’s not easy to surprise with creative Christmas wishes. We have seen almost everything. PKO Bank Polski, Poland’s largest bank, was looking for a way for Poles to wish themselves a “Merry Christmas” like never before in its campaign for the cash loan , “Mini Ratka.

The bank has launched a tool for creating Christmas video wishes. The most interesting of these were to be broadcast on TVP1 during special advertising blocks. On December 17, from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., all the time on the commercials was devoted to videos of greetings from people who took part in the campaign.

How did it work?
We have provided quick and easy-to-use solutions. On the campaign’s landing page, you could use a special tool to create your own videos or upload a video from your computer or smartphone. What’s more, film crews visited several Polish cities to help those willing to record their wishes in a more traditional way.

During the last day of the campaign, December 17, 2017, we also published a special advertisement on the front page of (one of Poland’s largest Internet portals), which encouraged viewers to turn on the TVP1 channel during the Bank of Good Wishes commercial block.
PKO Bank Polski’s campaign helped Poles send their online Christmas wishes in a distinctive way and straight to the homes of their loved ones.