New version of the Budogram.pl website
Budogram.pl is a key project of the Wienerberger brand. It is a unique place on the web where anyone can share their experiences of building and finishing homes – whether you are a customer or a contractor. By creating a community of builders, Budogram supports everyone building their own home. It is also a great tool for communication between the brand and its customers and users of the platform.
Our role
How did we get started?
We started our work by identifying Budogram’s strengths, and then analyzing existing similar solutions. Blogs and forums on the subject of construction are plentiful on the web, so Budogram needed a strong differentiator – on the one hand, naturally fitting into its specificity, and on the other hand, standing out from the competition.

What were we responsible for?
Artegence was responsible for designing the new Budogram.pl website,
including its mobile version and creating content.

What were the goals of the project?
Redevelop the site based on one relevant differentiator for the target audience, which will build a strong brand for the site and make users want to return to it.
In the long run – ensuring that the resulting content, created on the basis of the chosen differentiator, will itself begin to attract new users. Hence the strong emphasis on effective content marketing and organic traffic.

What was the challenge?
Our competitors are huge sites, characterized in many cases by greater capabilities and resources.
So in defining Budogram’s new identity, we had to bet on one killer feature that would attract new users and then keep them on the site.
Budogram.pl by Artegence is primarily a refreshed, modern look – clean, responsive, using the latest web design trends.
Navigating the site is, of course, intuitive and fun.
The announced killer feature is Construction Diaries, which allows you to track the creation of your investment at each of the thirteen (outlined by us together with the client) stages – from planning to finishing work.
In addition, we have also provided a smart assistance system that facilitates decision-making and includes expert online advice. In doing so, Budogram aggregates information and advice essential to the home construction process.

All of this adds up to a service that comprehensively supports builders and contractors in the nuances of construction and finishing – helping them gain information from both content material and the invaluable experiences of other users. It’s a community where everyone cares about living better.