We tell stories
These are stories that have a beginning, a climax and an ending! Sometimes more than one. For more than a quarter of a century, we have been in the business of creating excitement and exploring possibilities. We started where everyone wants to be today – on the Internet.However, we are capable of so much more today.Because, after all, whoever stands still is going backwards. And this is an uncomfortable position for everyone.
First of all Idea, BIG, OR
We create broad and capacious brand stories – ones that can be easily translated to all possible consumer touch points, both today and in the future. The divisions of ATL | BTL | Digital – have long ceased to exist for us, and our ideas translate equally well to Spot, Content as well as POSm or Mailing in CRM! We create real Stories.Because regardless of the channel and tools, every campaign is a story about the brand and its audience.

We don’t want to be in time, Just
create times!
We approach each project individually, and when thinking about ideas or communication platforms, we always look for distinctive solutions.
We create them for both well-known and new brands.
We create brilliant communications, in line with the strategic direction and contemporary trends.
Our ambition is not just to “deliver.”
We want to create campaigns that are talked about and appreciated.
What’s more – ones that change habits and customs.
With the culture-creating role of advertising – seriously – we are not kidding.
Our joint campaigns will be permanently written in the history of communication.

We want to create together with you what moves. And it pays off.
What will bring your brand closer to the people. We care about a happy ending, not an ending relationship.On taking a new course with you. And to make it known. We have a team of dedicated, talented and open-minded people working for us. We combine under one roof years of experience and a young spirit, which complement each other, creating an ideal creative atmosphere.

How do we work?

Always from the beginning
Because we are here to create the best times of your brand together with you!
We start with a goal
And then – at each stage – we are meticulous, meticulous and thorough in our pursuit of it. And even though these 3 words mean almost the same thing, we see the difference. We look at the images more carefully, and choose the words more carefully. And no, this does not limit our creativity. On the contrary. It fuels it!
We work in teams, groups or individually
Depending on the needs and nature of the project. We work closely across familiar divides. Our creatives, ecants and strategists are heavily involved and responsible for the project in all phases of its life – from execution, preparation for research and implementation of findings, to production, post-production and publication.
What do we deliver?
360 campaigns
We will plan, design and execute any campaign, from 1 to 360 degrees, and back 😉 Starting from Idea, through its execution at every available touchpoint, in a way that guarantees a consistent brand image and at every stage of the consumer path. ATL? BTL? Digital marketing? Outdoor? Banner? Activation? Ambient? Radio or Video? Anything and everything! We’re doing it!
Design is by definition applied art. Do you remember? We certainly do! That’s why at Artegence every design project is a pice of art that not only catches the eye, but most importantly – using vivid, modern and expressive brand language – tells an interesting and engaging story! We design everything that should be well-designed: from elements of simple consumer activations, to visual codes of communication platforms. KV, outdoor, BTL, packaging, POSM, Motion (…)! Always telling a story that is understandable to the eye, pleasing to the senses, slick and easy to read. We’re doing it!
Motion Design
And let’s make it move and move! Motion Design optimizes user interaction, both in a block of information on the web and in a creative, such as in SoMe… Micro-animation on a website or other digital product will reinforce the key accents of the story being told…
Explained video will allow you to understand those more complicated plots in a simple way… Using Motion Design in data visualization will make them cease to be a moment of inattention, becoming an integral and interesting part of the story…. We will prepare a scenario, plan “statements”, create frames and combine them into a whole. We will implement the material created in this way, so that every detail of the story will resound.We’re doing it!
Social Media
Social media provides many opportunities to “show off” your best side – from promoting your product to building long-term relationships with consumers and advocacy. At Artegence, we know how to do it in a way that builds and fully exploits your brand’s potential! We plan, We create, We moderate, We react in crises so that – according to the principle “it’s a pity to waste a good crisis” – We turn them into development!
We have frameworks, policies, procedures and tools to envision, solve, design and build. To Analyze and optimize too! We all know that there is no one way to get there. That’s why, with the regular analysis and reports we’ll provide you, we’ll monitor the effectiveness of your campaigns and adjust actions according to the results, creating the best story.
Media budgets? We’ll plan, optimize and account for them too! We freely embrace Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), LinkedIna, Tik Tok, Discort, Whatsupp, etc. and are eager to use the full potential of each. We have experience in both short sales campaigns and long-term branding efforts. We’re doing it!
Influencer marketing
Why are influencers often a greater authority than parents and the Pope? We already know something about it…. But most of all, we know how to engage these authorities to achieve your Goal together! Influencer marketing is much more than the selection of creators. This is marketing based on transparency, understanding of needs and a specific goal. We, in this world, focus on perfect fit and quality content that comes from an individual scenario and idea. Don’t know whether Micro Nano or Mega will work better? We know. We have the experience and adequate tools to recommend the best solutions, proving the effectiveness of matching content creators with needs, and organize the cooperation from start to finish. For longer and shorter, exclusive and not necessarily. Strategies, Executions, Negotiations, Collaborations, Summaries, Recommendations… At Artegence, we will execute any campaign in collaboration with Internet Creators, Influencers, Celebrities, or whatever your brand’s future partners may be called! We’re doing it!
Shopper Marketing
Who is the audience of your brand? And who is the recipient of the communication? Are the consumer and shopper the same person? What if they don’t? Which one should our strategy focus on reaching? And in the store?
At Artegence, we answer these and other questions by building the right perspective. We plan, recommend and design “with shopper on my mind”, already at the level of goal setting!
We know where the Stork and Slat will work better, and where Sensomat, Wobbler, Stand or Island will work better. We guide the consumer from shopping need to checkout – the classic one and the virtual one – and even further. We understand hashtags, micro-moments and automations on the Internet! We plan, design, produce and distribute all the communication paths and materials necessary for this. We meet the objectives and deliver the expected results by selecting relevant, distinctive and trending solutions! From sweepstakes and contests with prizes, to loyalty programs and point-of-sale activations. We support sales along the paths from the manufacturer to the consumer, as well as from the warehouse to the end user. We know how to support the B2C and B2B relationship by planning Push and Pull, every time! Most importantly, however, we know full well that whether we call it shopper marketing, BTL marketing, point of sale marketing or point of sale marketing … it never really starts at the point of sale! And we are always there where it starts and guide the consumer all the way to the end, and when necessary back again! We know the global regulations and create local ones: regulations, terms and conditions, rules. Always clear, always transparent, always understandable! We raise awareness at the awareness stage. We activate where we need to activate. We break down barriers – including barriers to entry – where there are barriers to be broken down. As a result, we meet, and often exceed, our sales targets. We activate for small and large, in sales network in 7 markets and in promotion on FB. Always with the same focus on the target, the consumer and the shopper… We call it “Shopper on my mind” by Artegence.
We’re doing it!
Search Engine Optimization
When “increasing website traffic” is among the KejPiaI – or even when it is not – when telling a story, one cannot forget about SEO.
Search Engine Marketing – it is thanks to it that the www “falls high” in search results, and consequently consumers easily find the continuation of our story! The constant improvement of search engine algorithms forces us to constantly develop tools and optimize phrases and keywords. We do. Artegence’s team of SEO experts is constantly and continuously developing and expanding their expertise so that our clients’ stories never stop!