Izabela Zbrzeźniak, Social Media Specialist at Artegence
The Clubhouse app, as the developers themselves say, is: , “a new social product based on voice communication.
It’s a brilliant solution to the podcasting trend, leaving image and video behind. The application entered the market in March 2020. and to this day is based on an unavailability rule – you need two things to log in to the platform: an iOS system and an invitation.
What is hidden in the Clubhouse app?
Once you’ve entered the app, you’re just a few more clicks away from discovering rooms tailored to your interests. Every day more and more of them are appearing in Polish. Are you a movie buff? Do you love to cook and are looking for new inspiration? Are you interested in zero-waste issues? You’re sure to find a room for you full of inspiring people and, most importantly, – with LIVE conversations! You’ll quickly understand the phenomenon of this app, and you’ll put your saved podcasts away. This here-and-now interaction, the wide range of topics, the ability to create private rooms with friends – in a way it began to replace real-life meetings (hence this great timing with the app’s launch during the pandemic, when our social contacts were reduced to a minimum).
As a new user, you only have two invitations to give away. Importantly, our profile shows from whom we have an invitation to apply. So what to do at the Clubhouse? To listen, to be inspired, to meet new people, to develop passions and skills.
What sets Clubhouse apart from other apps?
Reading about the new social networking app probably catches your head and makes you wonder why we need another app on our phone and what makes it different from others? The media dubbed Clubhouse the “Facebook Killer.” That’s not quite an accurate term, as the only common denominator between the two platforms is the battle for your time spent in front of the screen.

Clubhouse is distinguished by the fact that it directs an improvised message to an immersive, not passive, audience. It is not a short form of entertainment like TikTok, it is not a short exchange of sentences like Twitter, and it is not a medium focused on the perfect picture like Instagram. The audio form, which is key here, allows us to perform other activities while using the app. And the last issue is the barrier between the creator and the viewer – or rather, the lack thereof. This triggers sincere, uninhibited and unforced conversations in the participants, which is the greatest added value of this app.
Is this a new space for companies?
Sure! As long as you have something interesting to tell? Clubhouse caters to a highly engaged community. Users don’t enter random rooms – they deliberately choose rooms where they want to be active participants. Clubhouse is a goldmine of new observers, and thus potential customers. Unlike running live shows on Facebook or Instagram – here you don’t need good equipment, a camera or lights.

What matters is your message and the idea of getting your audience interested. Think about how you want to tell the story of your company, what topics your room will cover. Conduct the room regularly and get to know your audience. And most importantly – don’t be afraid to try!?!?