Although human relations have largely moved to the Internet, we still need contact with each other.

Brands that consciously create their image understand this very well and take care of qualitative communication with customers.

This can be seen brilliantly on the social profiles of well-known brands. Often you will come across in the comments admiration of the product, dissatisfaction with it, and even confessions of love or hate. Fans like to share ideas, as well as send requests for news and their photos with their favorite products. They also ask a lot of questions. Not only in comments, but also in private messages. Social media is based on dialogue. Answering a question about a product asked in a private message or in a comment can encourage its purchase just like a simple advertisement. Therefore, it is worthwhile to conduct professional moderation.

Moderating the profiles of well-known brands is a responsible role. It is very easy to make a slip-up that will affect your brand image, such as answering a question rudely. In addition, professional moderation increases the reach of social media ads. This is because Facebook and Instagram’s algorithms promote posts that spark discussion. And if one person comments on a post of a page that their friends like, they are sure to see the post in their feed. So what should professional moderation be like?

Learn the rules of proper moderation

Politeness and empathy,

careful and accurate reading,

Comprehensively providing answers,

Responding to criticism and mitigating conflicts,

fast response time,


encouraging discussion,

Removal of vulgar statements and SPAM,

Matching the language of communication to the personality of the brand and its audience.

Let’s take a closer look at what the aforementioned alignment of communication language with the personality of the brand and its audience entails.

Give your brand personality with moderation

Every major brand consciously creates its image and tries to reach a specific target group with its communications. One product can be “sold” to different groups by using different language and showing how it meets different needs. Social media posts are another way to reach your audience and even enter into a dialogue with them. This makes it all the more important to adapt the language of communication to our fans. The brand image should remain consistent – starting with the style of expression in posts and ending with moderation in comments and private messages. People are eager to return to the profiles of brands that excel in this regard. Custom responses by moderators are often sent viral as memes. Is there better and cheaper advertising? So it’s good if the moderators “feel” the brand’s personality and know how to set the right tone with their statements. Different communication will be carried out on the profiles of cosmetic brands aimed at mature people, and different on the profiles of brands that target a younger audience with their products.

Does it really work?

Imagine two pubs with good food, at similar prices, both in close proximity to you. Which one will you choose – the one with a friendly bartender who always answers questions, knows how to advise what dish to choose, unobtrusively asks how your day is going and makes you feel like you are? Or rather the one where the staff, yes they serve food, but they don’t establish a relationship with you and you don’t quite feel their style? Preferences vary, but many people are sure to choose the former and still tell their friends about it, and out of two similar brands, choose one that always responds to private messages and comments on social media. Fans appreciate this “human “approach and are eager to return to favorite brand profiles, if only to leave a kind word, a positive product review and share posts. And this, as we know, increases the reach of our social media ads. They are also sure to be willing to tell their friends about the brand and are eager to buy its products.


Social media advertising is two-way communication. Its basis is dialogue with the audience. Therefore, it is worthwhile not only to publish interesting and engaging content, but also to conduct professional moderation, which is a continuation of communication in the form of posts and testimonials. By doing so, we build brand loyalty, give it a “human face” and, of course, increase advertising reach and the number of fans watching brand profiles.

Our agency will be happy to help you choose the right social media communication strategy and ensure that your social profiles are properly handled. Need help running your brand’s social media profiles? Contact us:

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